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李文君    助理研究员

Email: wenjunli@ynu.edu.cn





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2016/7-2019/6 华南农业大学 群体微生物研究中心


1. 种子科学与技术

2. 作物遗传育种


1. Li, W. 1, Yang, B.1, Xu, J., Peng, L., Sun, S., Huang, Z., ... & Wang, Z. (2021). A genomewide association study reveals that the 2oxoglutarate/malate translocator mediates seed vigor in rice. The Plant Journal, 108: 478-491.

2. Li, W. 1, Niu, Y., Zheng, Y., Wang, Z. (2022). Advances in the understanding of reactive oxygen species-dependent regulation on seed dormancy, germination, and deterioration in Crops. Frontiers in Plant Science,13: 826809.

3. Li, W.1, Hu, M.1, Xue, Y., Li, Z., Zhang, Y., Zheng, D., ... & Zhou, J. (2020). Five fungal pathogens are responsible for bayberry twig blight and fungicides were screened for disease control. Microorganisms, 8(5), 689.

4. Zhao, J.1, Li, W.1, Sun, S., Peng, L., Huang, Z., He, Y., & Wang, Z. (2021). The rice small Auxin-Up RNA gene OsSAUR33 regulates seed vigor via sugar pathway during early seed germination. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22(4), 1562.

5. Luo, H.1, Li, W.1, Zhang, X. 1, Deng, S., Xu, Q., Hou, T., ... & Zhang, X. (2019). In planta high levels of hydrolysable tannins inhibit peroxidase mediated anthocyanin degradation and maintain abaxially red leaves of Excoecaria Cochinchinensis. BMC Plant Biology, 19(1), 1-20.

6. Zhao, J. 1, Yang, B. 1, Li, W., Sun, S., Peng, L., Feng, D., ... & Wang, Z. (2021). A genome-wide association study reveals that the glucosyltransferase OsIAGLU regulates root growth in rice. Journal of Experimental Botany, 72(4), 1119-1134.

7. Peng, L., Sun, S., Yang, B., Zhao, J., Li, W., Huang, Z., ... & Wang, Z. (2022). Genomewide association study reveals that the cupin domain protein OsCDP3. 10 regulates seed vigour in rice. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 20(3), 485-498.

8. Hu, M., Li, J., Chen, R., Li, W., Feng, L., Shi, L., ... & Zhou, J. (2018). Dickeya zeae strains isolated from rice, banana and clivia rot plants show great virulence differentials. BMC Microbiology, 18(1), 1-15.

9. Dong, B., Luo, H., Liu, B., Li, W., Ou, S., Wu, Y., ... & Zhang, Z. (2019). BcXyl, a β-xylosidase isolated from Brunfelsia Calycina flowers with anthocyanin-β-glycosidase activity. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20(6), 1423.

10. Fang, F., Zhang, X. L., Luo, H. H., Zhou, J. J., Gong, Y. H., Li, W. J., ... & Pang, X. Q. (2015). An intracellular laccase is responsible for epicatechin-mediated anthocyanin degradation in litchi fruit pericarp. Plant Physiology, 169(4), 2391-2408.

